To control this power, he has created 4 giant mechanical arms which he can control mentally. Otto is attempting to recreate a Nuclear Fusion, the idea being that he could create a miniature sun and help fuel the world for eons to come. Otto Octavius' presentation he soon leaves the scene. The next day, whilst perusing the streets, he comes across The Rhino causing a stir, and successfully defeats him, quipping the entire time. One evening, having successfully arrived on time for a meal with Mary Jane and Harry Osbourne, Peter realises a museum is being looted and immediately steps into action and eventually trails master cat burglar, the Black Cat who manages to slip through his fingers and escape. Rarely able to meet up to the expectations of his peers or friends, Peter has come to resent Spider-Man, but continues his work out of New York's necessity for it's superhero. Two years after the events of Spider-Man: The Movie, and Peter Parker is trying to find a balance with his school, moonlighting, job and personal life. The console and PC/Mac versions are sandbox action-adventure games, while the PC is notably for a younger audience. The handheld and PC/Mac versions are developed by various developers and also published by Activision. The console versions are developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. Spider-Man 2 is a game based on the 2004 film of the same name.